
In Deep Ship: What's Really Driving The Supply-Chain Crisis

Tyler Durden's Photo


SUNDAY, OCT 03, 2021 - 12:15 PM

By Michael Every and Matteo Iagatti of Rabobank


Ready to ship off?

It is impossible to ignore the current shipping crisis and its impact on global supply chains and economies.

Businesses face huge headaches as supply dries up. Consumers see bare shelves and rising prices. Governments have no concrete solutions – save the army? Economists have to discuss the physical economy rather than a model. Central banks still assume this will all resolve itself. And shippers make massive profits.

The giant Ever Given, which blocked the Suez Canal for six days in March 2021, is emblematic of these problems, but they run far deeper. This report will explore the shipping issue coast-to-coast, and past-to-present in six ‘containers’:

1.    “Are you shipping [shitting] me?”, a deep-dive into market dynamics and supply-demand causes of soaring shipping prices;

2.    “To Big to Sail[Fail]”, a key structural issue driving things;

3.    “Tsunami of politics” of [on]  the looming backlash to what is happening;

4.    “Cold War icebergs” of [on]  fat geopolitical tail risks;

5.    “Ship  [Shape] of things to come?”, asking if the maritime past is a potential guide to maritime future; and

6.    “Wait and sea [See]?”, a strategic overview and conclusion.